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Alphabet book —


Alphabet book / Spelling book (interactive multimedia) for children with a poissible of dyslexia aged 4 years; understanding and finding a childs specific perception and using this perception to produce correct reading and writing.

Alphabet book/ Spelling Book
The alphabet book makes use of the fact that newborn babies see the first shapes without knowing their names. Later, according to their development children naturally switch from the shape of objects and play things to the shape of letters. This is the principle on which our project is based. Children who might have a problem with reading and writing mainly use the right hemisphere of the brain, the part processes images. Children, especially of preschool age who could be at risk from dyslexia or dysgraphia can make use of this preference of the right hemisphere to build a greater understanding of letters. This project certainly will not do any harm to children who are not having problems with reading and writing. It will help them to train the right hemisphere and teach them to perceive the world in a more colorful way.
The spelling book is an interactive multimedia story. It follows the journey of two hedgehogs that go on a cycling trip in order to learn the letters of the alphabet. They are accompanied by their older friend, the bird „Letter“. The letters are all around in objects and items that come their way. Both hedgehogs love taking pictures, so they photograph everything and these images gradually form the alphabet. A piece of music characterises each letter. We have used a nature theme in all the projects to try and create an eductional environment that all children feel a connection to.

The concept of letter shapes is used in the spelling book as follows: The letter H is not related to how it sounds as in hedgehog or helicopter, but based on the letters shape. For example, train tracks with their sleepers form the letter H and can be seen repeatedly.

The alphabet book is intended to support both hemispheres of the brain and the cooperation between them, concentration, spatial orientation, expanding knowledge, distinguishing shapes, memory, motor skills and hearing.

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